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Boss Audio BV7300

Item #18906
In-Dash DVD/MP3/CD Receiver With 3.2" Wide Monitor With USB/SD Card Port and Front Aux Input

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Product Reviews For Boss Audio BV7300

  • When I purchased this receiver online I had know idea of the quality! But when I received and installed it I was actually very very exited!!! The sound and power of this system is great! For short money it comes with everything you need to build a sweet sounding stereo!! When Im ready to upgrade, I will definately upgrade with the boss!!


  • for the price this is the best dvd player i have sceneis 10stars it does every thing well

    william mcpherson

  • Bought this and right away,every time you turned it on you had to turn the sub off then on for the sub to work.Then when it started pounding the esp didnt work and it would skip like crazy!!! But over all i would say that it is pretty good! After all its only $209.00!


  • I just dont know why it keeps kicking the cd out of the player, also i couldnt get the mp3 to work or the ipod. If anyone can help let me know....

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