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Item #19134
Two 600 Watt 12 Inch MTX RT12-04 Subs in a Loaded MTX Sub Box With One MTX RTP251D 600 Watt Mono Block Amplifier

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Product Reviews For MTX RTP212

  • The subs are the best part about this deal. The amp is good to have until you can afford a better one. i just hooked it all up in my jetta and it isnt quite loud enough but thats only because the amp isnt pushing a whole lot.

    Josh Arbuckle

  • i have this same setup and i was told that the amp is 600 w with 2 om stable found out that it only is pushing 55 w to each sup total of 110 w i had circuit city put it up for me and put a meter on it to see what it was pushing out and that is what hay seed to me but if i had a better amp it wood do a lot better so this amp mtx rtp 251d is falsw amperage it will peak at 600 and shut off but you cant bridge this amp either

    scott Plat

  • Ive had these type of subs in a custom box that ive built myself, and they sounded great. The excursion was crazy and they hit. The lows were quite descent. I had them hooked up to a Kenwood 800 watt 2 channel, soudnsed great for the amp being a little on the smaller side. But it was all i could afford at the time.. OCS is a great site with great prices.. cant beat them anywhere>!

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