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SoundStorm STS65

Item #19170
6-1/2" 2-Way 350W Car Speakers

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Product Reviews For SoundStorm STS65

  • I installed two sets of these in the doors and rear deck of my brothers 2005 Toyota Corolla and they do the job very well. They look very simple and clean, comes with wire leads and black grilles that have machined red logo on the bottom. Overall they sound very good, clear highs, good midrange, not pushing anything above 180Hz to them from the amps crossover, they are getting 142watts rms to each one from an Infinity Reference 7520a @ 2 ohms per channel. I got these speakers because the Pioneer TSA 6.5 in the front doors started going bad after three years of constant abuse, so we replaced all four with these Soundstorms and they look and sound like they last a long time.


  • i installed these to replace my factory speakers and i dont have any complaints on them.


  • I just put these speakers in my car today. I am very happy with the results. I can tell a big difference in the way they sound compared to the factory speakers that they replaced in my 2006 Kia Spectra. I did not hook them up to an amp, they are running off of my JVC head unit. These speakers fit right into the mix with my two BOSS AUDIO 10's, and POWER BASS AMP, excellent clarity, and a good value. I would recomend these speakers to anyone on a budget that wants a quality product with good sound.


  • The sensitivity its not very good, but sounds impressive. I am an audiophile and obviusly aware of the high prices of the gear but I wanted to build a monitor for my guitar and hear songs from my Sansa FUZE. The trumpet, sax, flute, violin, and drums sounds great even without crossover. Definitely a crossover its a must with high power amp. I love them, and for the price :) cool!

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