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JL Audio CL441dsp

Item #19300
CleanSweep OEM Audio Interface with Automatic Digital EQ. 4-ch. IN / 4-ch. OUT / 1 AUX Input

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Product Reviews For JL Audio CL441dsp

  • Very easy installation, worked very well to add subwoofer to factory Bose sysytem. Very happy with this product and very happy with Online Car Stereo.

    Gary K.

  • It did restore a flat curve without any audible distortion. It is small and can be mounted discretely. Perhaps it was my vehichle, an 04 Infiniti G35, but I lost all tone control. It also has only two preamp outs so it limits the number of amps that you can use with it without modification whcih means you then loose some ability to fade and balance.


  • Clean sweep works great. Pro install w MBQuart amp up front 4x80 and MTX amp to RF 10 sub. System sounded cleaner with STOCK speakers still in. Great improvement over Lexus Naki system. Then had Polk db6501 installed in factory location and HUGE improvement in sound. Digital EQ is ear candy. Best part is this was a budget install with new mb amp and CL441 (refurb) all other comp pulled out of my 4runner. My Lex looks stock like clark kent but is HOT like catwoman(Halle Berry). The CL441 is definitely the answer to aftermarket sound for premium factory systems. Buy it!


  • I love the simplicity of the jl product. Install was simple and I like keeping the factory look.

    Roger Skillen

  • The Cleansweep is going to be a great add to your vehicle if you have any factory equalization. It was a night and day difference stepping up to this unit from a LOC. Worth every penny and I would buy one again on my next vechicle

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