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Rockford Fosgate Punch P500-2

Item #19332
500 Watt 2-Channel Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Rockford Fosgate Punch P500-2

  • This is my 1st punch series. I was running one 12" T1 2dvc @ 500 X 1 @ 4ohms. Birthsheet was 733rms. It hit good and had alot of bass bridged!! However my headlights were dimming slightly so I only used 1 channel @ 125w x 1 @ 4ohms, birthsheet was 227w x 1 @4ohms and even that was bumping! I like this amp BUT this thing runs REALLY hot!! When I had it bridged I was in my car I had to go on a long drive and an hour into it the amp cut off due to heat! My gain was just over half way and bass boost was half way up. Theres no reason for this amp to get this hot. If you put your gain less than half you get no bass what so ever. With the amp now im running only 1 channel and the gain is still a little over half and its still hot. It gets so hot you cant keep your hand on it for more than 2-3 seconds. If you read around you will see this amp DOES run hot so be warned. I think im trying the JL 250/1 next, its a class D and should help w/ heat and obviously put out more than this RFs 1 channel. ** Ive had a RF power series amps before and that thing rocked, never got hot. (551S)


  • guy c. from TX you never run just one channel on a two channel amp you bridge it and just turn done the gain other wise it will make it run hot because the amp is still pushing power to the open channel because its not bridged... so if you knew how to properly install the equipment you wouldnt had that problem i have one of these runing two P2D48 in the front with my 6.5 on the p400.4 and i have two p1000.1bd on my two T215D2 they each have 3cubic feet of air and port is tuned to 32hz....all this in my tahoe and can i tell you what this thing slams for a little 2 channel amp very well put together nobody around me can touch my system most people cant even sit in it


  • This is a nice amp. The look is cool, the sound is amazing, and it is very compact. Birthsheet reads 225 @ 4ohms, 365 @ 2ohms, total power 730 watts, and 2186 max power. It has no trouble pushing the two fifteens. It's like the amp doesn't even know they are there. If you like it then buy it. I am very happy with this purchase.


  • I bought this amp after having P3s in my truck with a p600-2. I miss them alot but when i got this and bought two 12 inch P2s. It hits better than my old P3s. I sold my old subs to my friend and i always blow him out of the park with my subs. Best value and best overall. I was hesitant at first but now i would have it no other way. I love it.


  • WARNING...do not hook this AMP up to crappy subs..will blow out MOSFTETS and make your crappy subs even Crappier. I wired this amp to 2 "1300W" Sony Xplod 12's bridged at the amp, this amp has extaordiany power bc i couldnt turn gain or boost up past 4. And had the sub output on my head unit at -10 at all times and it still pounded. If you buy this amp make sure you have a decent set of subs that can handle the power. Just a warning so no one else wastes 235 well spent dollars


  • Great Amp!! Does exactly as I expected!! Loads of power and gives my subs all they need!!

    JaCey Wilson
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