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Lanzar MAXP64

Item #19973
Max Series 6.5" 600W Peak Power Handling, 4-Ohms Power Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Lanzar MAXP64

  • This speaker isnt a dual voice coil speaker


  • dont let the price turn you away these are very cheap subs but i heard a lot of these and they are worth every peny they pound

    casey thomas

  • this sub should be rated for less watts, i only have 100rms hooked up to it and it rattles alot. i would not recommend this sub to anyone. if you are trying to pick between this and the JL AUDIO 6.5", go with the JL, it'll be money well spent and time less spent.

    Chris C.

  • I am always surprised how people are quick to blame the product, but never the "installer". "Amplifier headroom" as well as a "proper sized enclosure", are detrimental for a desired response from subwoofers. Take the cheapest subwoofer on the market. Install it properly in the right enclosure with the right amp, and it will perform. As well as sound better than any brand or price range. That has been improperly installed. Sincerely, Jazz custom pro audio technical engineer.

    "Jazz" Jasper B.

  • I've got to say that "Jazz"s advice is right on, when you install any subs, HOW you install it and the enclosure it is in is even more important than which sub you buy and how much you pay for it! I bought 2 of these to replace the factory 6.5" subs in the back doors of my Chevy Astro work van, which came from the factory powered by a 50 watt per channel amp and they were instantly a HUGE improvement. I had an older 2 channel HiFonics amp that puts out a true 150+ watts per channel laying around that I added in a couple weeks later and now they sound and pound about as good as you could get for a pair of 6.5" subs, they really surprised me and they aren't even in enclosures, they use the inside of the rear doors for the enclosure, but the key thing here is that I really mounted them as solid as I could, so there's no rattling at all. As far as the guy who says the JL's are better, I sure hope they would be better-because the JL's cost FIVE TIMES AS MUCH!!! I'll take the $25 Lanzar subs mounted right ANY DAY over the $125 JL's mounted wrong! I've got to say, Lanzar is putting out some great speakers and amps for really great prices, I know a few different people that have bought various Lanzar speakers, subs and amps lately and they all have great things to say about Lanzar's stuff!

    Big Davve
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