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Dual XDMA7715

Item #19975
CD/MP3/WMA In-Dash Receiver

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Product Reviews For Dual XDMA7715

  • Within 6 months of use the rear screen readout burnt itself out. I loved the two toggles at each end of the foldout face, very ingenious and similar to a console game controller come to think of it, but the center wheel's click click click movement no longer registers each click so to turn the radio down requires many spins of the wheel. The center station button presets melt to the plastic and make a popping sound when pressed if not used regularly. The amount of pre-amp outputs and a motorized faceplate was my reason for purchase. Quality of the parts used is baaaaad.


  • rear screen readout burnt itself out, the volume doesnt work unless i use the remote, i loved the rollout faceplate, i wouldnt purchase another one


  • this deck shure looked cool for about the first minuite that i had it hooked up then when i put it into the mounting kit for my car, the screen stopped folding out and it hasnt worked since then, i cant fold the screen out or get my cd out of the deck.. if you are looking to get this deck then i would advise you not to.

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