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JL Audio TR400-CXi

Item #20101
TR Series 4" 2-way car speakers, includes 4"x6" adapter plates

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Product Reviews For JL Audio TR400-CXi

  • I ordered the TR400 CX because I read the review saying they fit in a Blazer/Jimmy. They sent me the CXi's instead. Same price, newer speaker, they look solid, I kept em. Anyhow they don't just drop into my 99 Sonoma dash. There is definitely some mods involved. Like sawing plastic off of the back of the stock grill (fragile) without breaking them. Drilling in the adaptor plate is required also. About the speakers, for 4's these slam! Running without a crossover they throw like subs and are clear and loud. Tweeters sound more smooth than crispy. Great speaker overall. It your looking for instafresh and rock a sonoma/etc. Do yourself a favor and get 4x6s that fit, Cause these take some time and tools to make right. Yo, I had to type a long review cause the sonoma dash can be a vicious beast and there is little on it.

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