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Ground Shaker GSPKK315

Item #20191
15" Triple Pro Ported Square Mount Box With G-S Port

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Product Reviews For Ground Shaker GSPKK315

  • I have heard these speakers and with the right power and everything 185db is possible.Depending on the car and set up. If your car is that loud you should really enter a contest.

    Some Dude

  • Great, simple enclosure to get loud with. Would likely be more efficient if were a common chamber enclosure design. I'm going to slightly address the other reviews... For being inept You cant "hear" dB's... Audible output and numeric sound pressure levels are VERY different. If you really want 180+ dB fill your vehical's roof ect ect ect. with concrete, sand everything inside with 3000+ grit, buff it, install 3" thick lexan windows, bolts on the doors, and learn the physics of an 8th order box with 30,000+ watts burped at resonance....

    Party Crasher

  • Does anyone have the exact dimensions of this box. I have a cadillac deville and i'm wondering if it will fit????

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