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Soundstream STEALTH-13

Item #20701
13.5" 200W RMS SVC 4-Ohm Stealth-13 Shallow Mount Component Subwoofer Driver

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Product Reviews For Soundstream STEALTH-13

  • I needed a subwoofer to make a stealth application for my Nissan Murano. There are many to choose from, but I decided to go with the Soundstream Stealth-13, since I figured larger diameter subwoofers tend to have better low frequency response. I certainly was not disappointed in my decision. Although this subwoofer has a low efficiency at 80 db/watt/meter and does not have high power handling capability, it can handle the 350 Watt JBL amp that I have and sounds great in the process. It provides tight, smooth, accurate bass and hits at lower frequencies as compared to other shallow subwoofers that I have tried (Clarion, Fosgate and RE Audio). I actually tested this sub's "brother" the Power Acoustic Thin-13, and it sounded pretty good too. However, I would give the edge to the Stealth-13 based on it's less-boomy sound and tonal clarity. If you're looking for a great sounding shallow sub that won't break the bank, the Stealth-13 is a very good choice.

    John Winiarski
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