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Item #20785
6" x 9" 300W 2-Way GTO Series Speaker System

Write a Review For JBL GTO928

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Product Reviews For JBL GTO928

  • Great set of speakers, installed them in some boxes. Have them wired to a cheap crunch 600w 4 channel amp, running it at 2 channels and bridged sound great. Got awesome bass coming out of them, didn't want a sub with too much weight, and these make great bass. Got Alpine head unit, 6" jl components in the doors and some other sony 6 1/2 " (gonna swap out soon) in back and these 6/9s in the trunk!! All in a prelude hear everything I need too!! Definitely worth it!! -Eddie-


  • I have these hooked up to a Sony HU with some JBL 6.5 door speakers. Amazing just amazing the base from these 6x9 they are outstanding just on the HU can't imgine the amped up. Just buy them u CAN'T go wrong. Had mine for 2yrs now no issues.


  • This is a great product. The rubber surround helps give good and reliable support of the cone. The woofer of the speaker gets deeper with more enthusiasm than many other brand names I have installed in the past. These compare easily to higher level component speakers in the $200 range such as Memphis, Polk and jl audio. The tweeters on these are nice and crisp without a lot of harshness. I would recommend these to anyone on a budget that wants excellent musical reproduction. They do sound much better when they are amplified, but they work well on an aftermarket headunit with at least 15-20rms.


  • These speakers are great!!!!! Used them as rear speakers and the sound is fantastic. I have them paired with a Sony in-dash receiver. JBL constantly delivers high quality sound.

    Rick D

  • Sound great in my camaro disconnected and removed the 4 inch speakers in the back hatch. Wired these in and they sound awesome paired with me gto 638s there is no amp needed.

    James Anderson
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