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JL Audio 13TW5-3

Item #20858
13-1/2" 1200W Single 3 ohms TW5 Series Shallow-Mount Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For JL Audio 13TW5-3

  • The tw5 sound is clean and loud. 1 downfall is it has an 80 hour Break in period.

    Garrett Collins

  • I have one of these hooked up to a JL 500/1 V2..pounds it read just over 136 db, a great sq sub. The match up with this sub and amp is amazing, JL makes the best stuff around!


  • I have one of these in my 2008 ext cab silverado under the back seat in a custom box and it pounds I am very pleased with this sub.


  • I have 2 of these subs behind the seat in my 07 Silverado Regency, running of a Audison amp and it hits really hard.


  • I have 2 of these in my Silverado Crew Cab, in a custom box behind the seat, and they're running on a JL 1000/1 it is AWESOME... The only thing that kinda sucks is the 80 hour break-in period as Mr. Collins stated...


  • I have 1 of these in my tacoma x-runner with a JL\J2500.1. Awesome sound, best in the market


  • This little sub is bad ads except for it wouldn't fit into my single 12 sub box but thank god for my sledge hammer but the first time I tried puttin one in I just put a big hole in that shallow mount sub but this time it worked but I did miss and put a hole in the box with my sledge hammer so now it's ported so I'm getting some real bass


  • simply the best shallow sub, if you can afford. i installed in my 08 tacoma 4 door behind one of the rear seats powered by 2 channels of my alpine pdx 150.4 and it sounds awesome. only gripe is its a 3 ohm so it causes my amp to over heat in bridged mode, but only at HIGH volumes when the subs voice coils are hot. a dedicated sub 2ohm stable amp is recommended. (when isnt it lol) 1 of these will sound better than 2 or 3 of cheaper shallow mount subs, get this one.


  • Im putting Two of these in a Reg cab F 250, I was really impressed with them at the store and then found them a few hundred dollars cheeper on her. Ill let you all know what type of box I will go with. As you know reg cabs dont offer much room. so I hope I will be woowed by these. Im also going to run a planet audio bb1400.1 to them. I know two of them together should give me around 1.5 ohms so it should be plenty of power for them. any suggestions on airspace for them? vented? sealed? Im not familiar with Jl. Ive always delt with kicker but when the lowered there standard and you can get them at best buy. I figureed its time to drop them.


  • Would you belive that I installed the 13.5" model under the pasenger seat of my 1985 Porsche 911!! This really took some planning and effort to make work. This installed with a top of the line Alpine system is produces simply increadible sound. The bass is very clear and has the punch when it's needed. Of course when I have a date with the upward pointed sub under the seat Iv'e been told the vibrations are pretty good too)))


  • had one in a 01 reg cab gm. now two under the back seat in a 07 f150. i would never run another brand of thin mounts. i heard pioneer shallow and rockford shallows, and they do not even come close. JL is worth every penny (expecialy when pushed with jl 500/1 and balanced out with zr's off a 450/4)

    James VP
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