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Orion XTRPRO124

Item #21160
12" 1000W Dual XTR Pro Series Component Subwoofer Driver

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Product Reviews For Orion XTRPRO124

  • Great subs, have 2 of them and the flex my car real nice. highly recommend

    zack w

  • I just had 3 of these subs installed into my 95 dakota being pushed by a 1500 watt mono mtx amp and these babies pound, you can hear me comin a mile away, Juneau,AK

    mike howard

  • bought 3 of these subs istalled in my 2000 cadi deville at a shop, thought i would be subin,was very disappointed, until I went threw my system and found that my ohms was at 2.3 re wired 2 a 1.3 changed the cheap hi-low mod. and these subs was crazy! running a 1610 hifonic amp in a grndshaker box and the bass is deep and solid! Thanks Ishon @ OCS. He knows his stuff!

    Big Regg

  • OK i got two of these in a 2001 chevy s10 and although i have them in a wall they knock crazy best subs ive had for the money push 145 db on the dash all wired down to 1 ohm and pushed by the orion 1500.1 amp great set up recomend to any true car audio person


  • Really well made. Started to buy kicker L 5, glad I didn't. These are well worth it for the money. Guy at local shop wanted 750 for 2 subs in box. I got them on here for alot cheaper. Thanks Online Car Stereo!!!!!


  • I got 2 of these to a brutus 1700 they are doing the job. I was told I can be heard for 2-3 blocks away. These do the job and then some. I would highly recommend these to all who want the most for there money. I have plans on getting 2 more. Get these you will not go wrong

    The baconator
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