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Kenwood DDX714

Item #21565
Bluetooth Enabled Double-DIN In-dash CD/DVD Receiver With 6.95" Wide QVGA TFT Active Matrix Display with Reverse Tilt Mechanism

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Product Reviews For Kenwood DDX714

  • I can't really say how good the DDX714 is yet as I have just received the unit and will be installing it tomorrow. What I do want to say is after searching for a replacement head unit after my other a DDX6019 was stolen I went back to onlinecarstereo to look for a replacement. I have read several reviews on this vendor and consensus was mixed I had read several that condemned this vendor for terrible customer service and have to admit I was a little lheary to purchase from them. I decide to go with online as I didn't have any problems the first time. My orginial purchase was for a DDX8019. After placing the order within 30 minutes I received a phone call from their customer service department to let me know the unit I ordered was out of stock and they had no current delivery date for more of the 8019. After explaining my situation to the customer service rep. he recommended the DDX714 as it would work with my other accessories that were with my DDX6019. They sold mr this unit for the same price quoted for the DDX8019 and to my amazement it showed up the next day. Online you rock!!!

    Ted Moore
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