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Pioneer TS-W3003D4

Item #22840
12" Champion Pro Series 600W RMS Car Subwoofer

Write a Review For Pioneer TS-W3003D4

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Product Reviews For Pioneer TS-W3003D4

  • I needed to replace a borrowed Stereo Integrity Mag D2 subwoofer and needed to go cheap. I found a real good deal on this Pioneer driver brand new. It shared similar mounting specs as the D2, depth, screw holes, and using the same sealed enclosure of about 1.25 cubic feet. All I can say is wow!! I was not expecting that at all. The D2 is an excellent hard hitter and quality sub and this Pioneer was hitting just as hard and solid. The drivers sound quality is very good. It blended very well with the main speakers. Bass is well defined and not one noted or boomy.. Even though It still needs some run in time to loosen up, I'm very impressed with it. Build quality is very good and looks to last a long time. The only con that I personally have is the fact that the woofers surround is made of foam. I would've preferred to see a rubber surround instead... Rubber lasts much longer and is much more durable. That's why it didn't get a 10 for features. But, for just under $60, I really can't complain.. Used with the right amount of power and the right enclosure, this sub is a true sleeper..


  • Well this little sub suprised me. I had 2 15's with a rockford amp, killed my 15's and sold my rockford amp. Got a Lanzar Vibe286 amp in a trade, and got one of these little pioneer subs from wal mart, and wow. I am pushing probably 350 RMS to the sub and it is booming like a big boy. I need to tune it back down a little bit to give it a proper break in, but after that, I plan on seeing what it can really do. All I can say is, I plan on buying one more of these and a dually sealed box. I listen to rock, and I like to hear the double kick, but I don't like to overload the treble with bass. But I still want enough boom to throw on some good beats and kick it up a notch. These subs, for 45 each, fit the bill pretty well. Can't beat em for the money. Beware, they are overpriced at wal mart, about $13 more than on this site.


  • these are def the best subs for the money ive had kicker comps infinity subs boss most of the cheap brands, and ill tell ya for 45 dollars these mofos straight knock, im pushhing about 500-600w though these and i shake my house when i pull in the garage, they love my bandpass box and pioneer is the best for the money!! running a boss 2500w amp at 2 ohms barely turned in a sonix electronics bandpass bos, all for around 230, and it will keep up with my friends kicker cvxs! get a right amp and know what your doing and they will blow you away!!


  • Dont let the price of theese subs luer you away ive had mine for going on 2 years still work perfectly fine. They hit harder then alot of alpines and even my friends fosgate. Ive got just 1 of theese hooked up in a 04 chevy colorado ported box with a sound storm 1600 watt amp and you can hear it from a football field away. If your looking for the same quality and sound as 200+ dollar subs get theese. But i wouldnt advise anything sound storm.

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