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JL Audio J2 1000.1

Item #23047
1000W RMS Class D Monoblock J2 Series Subwoofer Amplifier

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Product Reviews For JL Audio J2 1000.1

  • does anyone know if this amp powering one 13 w6v2 can run at 2 ohms? even 1 ohm?


  • yup its stable at 1 ohm and that is plenty of power for your sub could add 2 more subs if you wanted


  • yeah i dunno if i would run a 13 w6 at 1 ohm kinda low to me but 2 ohm i would run it all day plus 700 watts is way more than enough. i have my 13w6 running of a 500/1 v2 and its perfect


  • I have this amp hooked up to two old 12" JL W3v2 D4's in a sealed enclosure and its amazing. I am impressed at how this amp hardly makes my headlight dim turned all the way up!!! For high quality, BUY JL AUDIO! Worth every penny. JL AUDIO - ALL MOTOR


  • I have two W7 10s with 1000.1 on each sub an it has plenty of power. I've had memphis an kicker before an JL is by far the best.


  • Got this amp hooked up to 3 12W6V2 in a custom box built to JL Audio specs. This amp rocks well worth the money. Just have one problem. Amp is not even turn up but at high volumes it cuts off until I turn the volume down.


  • Hell yea! This amp is pushin 4 15" memphis pwer reference. And im tellin you, you want none of my cadi escalade with the cutom closed box! Damn! Makes your heart skip a beat.

    Dan G
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