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Lanzar VCT2210

Item #23315
2000W 2 Channel High Power MOSFET Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Lanzar VCT2210

  • good sub woofer amp.. It bridged to 2 sony shallow 12's...my mirror fell off twice before i pulled out the driveway


  • great amp!!!! i would recomend it to any one. i have it pushing 2 pionner 10s. the only thing is i wish i had ajustible bass boost.


  • I love this amp.... This amp really hits hard. Recommend this amp to everyone. And the shipping was very fast. Way to go onlinecarstereo


  • I have literally beat the crap out of this amp for a year now and have not had a single problem with it. it powers 2 fosgate 12's and sounds great. i doubt you can find a better quality amp for this price. i will definitely buy a lanzar again!


  • I have this amp hooked up to 2 10in evs and 2 6in audio pipes all bridged. And this amp is performing well above my expectation. The vocals are crispy clear with little to no distortion. A must have for vocals.


  • I have this amp... I ran 2 Infinity 12's {bridged} and this amp got really hot and shut down. I rewired in stereo and it performed well on 2 Cadence 12's. this amp is best for vocals... I wouldn't recommend for heavy bass nor competition.

    Beast Audio

  • This might be small in size but don’t let that fool you! I’ve been using mine for more than a year now and it still works great for me. Lanzar is pretty affordable compared to other brands but works just as well. If you are just starting out and am not that familiar with amps then I highly recommend this 2-channel amp

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