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Lanzar VCT2010

Item #23319
800W 2 Channel High Power MOSFET Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Lanzar VCT2010

  • This amp is just what it is. It's a good value for some upgraded power to a factory system. But if you are looking for anything close to 800 watts, look somewhere else. At best this amp is about 300-500 watts and even then it's not without some distortion. It's good if you are not looking to get loud with bass or putting some components on it. I would recommend that buyers should shop around more before looking at this amp.


  • Not so bad of a product. i have it powering 2 12" audiopipes in the vented box it came with. does not sound bad at all.


  • This amp is a pretty good deal for the money.. Works better at low power levels I found a lot of distortion when cranked all the way and more on 18+Db. Had it hooked to a cheap speaker also so that may have been the cause of distortion. But it worked good for my application and priced great


  • Having a hard time with this amp. no where near the ratings on website, and when i got the amp the booklet has it listed at 35w @4 oms 800w bridged but i keeps going into protect mode save your money look else where!!!

    jeremy becker
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