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Lanzar VCT2610

Item #23321
6000W 2 Channel High Power MOSFET Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Lanzar VCT2610

  • I bought this amp from another dealer 3 months ago. It sounded great and P-O-U-N-D-E-D, hard... for a little while. Right before the 3 month mark it started overheating and tripping the safety, shutting it down. The overheating repeated over and over, every time I turned it on until just a couple days ago, there was no reseting it, it got stuck in protection mode and has completely failed. I installed it correctly and double checked every wire as well as the impedance on the subwoofers, everything was as it should be. This amp only lasted 3 months and 6 days, it really let me down.

    Frank Braeutigam

  • Like it a lot, got it pushing 2 soundstream 900 watt rms subs 2ohm but like the other guy said it overheats all the time. Luckely mine has came back on so far had it for about 9 months great amp for the money if you can figure a way to keep it cool also 6000 watts might be pushing it a bit but in any case it pounds

    wayne from
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