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Item #23338
Amplified Bass System With One 12" Terminator Subwoofers In a Sealed Enclosure

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Product Reviews For MTX TNP112D

  • I recently (March 2010) purchased this subwoofer/amp combo to add some extra bass to the stock stereo in a 2010 Toyota Camry. It is unbelievable how much sound/bass this thing puts out. In all honesty it is overkill for me and I have to adjust the settings on my radio to tailor it to each song (MP3) or CD to get optimal sound. I love it, but I would have probably been happy with a simple 10" or even 8" subwoofer for the sound I was looking for. I can't imagine anyone "needing" any more bass than this thing puts out. It pounds (at least according to my standards/taste).

    2010 Camry

  • Got this setup for my Birthday in March. Gotta say, this is probably the best you can get for how much you pay. It beats hard and is loud. Only downside is the small amp. With a slight upgrade it could be banging real hard.


  • This system was exactly what I wanted. Filled in my current system beautifully. The sub hits hard and rarely distored. I was very pleased, for the first two months, then it blew. Too bad the warranty is only for 30 days so I'm *ssed out on this one. Had it not blown I'd say this is a great deal. Hopefully its not the product and just happened to be mine...

    Ant Banks

  • Just bought it today, already installed, so far, even though im still breaking it in, its still a beauty. It feels like i have it on max, but on my bass level, its on negative numbers for my deck. So im wondering what it will sound like with it on max bass, but it is amazing, so far. Bang for your buck. Spent around 450-500 on everything, for my worth every penny, im new to these, but i love this sub forsure. a keeper for me.

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