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JBL PB1220

Item #23548
Slipstream-Ported Subwoofer Enclosure Loaded with Single 12" Subwoofer at 2-Ohm Final Impedance

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Product Reviews For JBL PB1220

  • Awesome but cut it low. 63hz cutoff on my pioneer deck, don't let it hit higher. This sub is good for the low low, it will be inaccurate and sound like utter crap if you cut it 80hz or higher. Be prepared to let your speakers play down to 50-60Hz on the high pass. For what it does play it is perfect distortion free, powerful, rich sounding bass. It makes my jbl gt series sub sound like a child's toy. This sub will pressurize the cabin and will cause ear ache, be careful with your gains. Giving it 600RMS (likely less because my voltage is not at 14.4V) off of a pioneer d1200m. Insane amounts of clean bass, be careful. Very unique sound. Makes my system sound expensive. Excelent with many types of music (quick response for rock, but I did plug the port hole) but only if you don't let it play over about 60HZ. It is critical to set the cutoff frequency for this sub on the deck or the low pass on the amp properly or it will disapoint you and miss tons of notes and hit sloppy. Product features - 7, expected good response up to 80hz, luckily my speakers cover this well Sound Quality/Improvement - 10 Never heard bass so accurate clean and rich with a powerful punch Money Value - 7 A bit expensive but great on this site, as direct from JBL is more like $500. Custom look to the box and giant port. Overall - 10 It just sounds that good. Just don't ever try to get it to hit above 80Hz! It just isn't the sub for that job.

    Jimmy Dean

  • Just a follow up. It hits 80HZ better then expected. New positioning in the trunk has gotten rid of sound cancellation issues in bass around 100HZ. Great range of sound, loud, clear and quality bass. Position woofer no more than a foot from trunk opening for best range of response.

    Jimmy Dean
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