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Pioneer DEH-3200UB

Item #23899
CD/MP3/AM/FM Receiver with iPod Direct Control and USB input

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Product Reviews For Pioneer DEH-3200UB

  • I really like this head unit, I love the high pass filter because I haven't upgraded my stock speakers and they can't handle the low bass tones. It gives you complete control over your music. I'm always using the USB input I'm happy I spent a little extra for it, I would recommend this to anyone, It's well worth the money, depending on the person it may take a while to get used to the features and controls (took me about an hour) but you wont be disappointed... Pioneer deserves more credit and are often over looked...

    Hamill The Animal

  • This deck is simply amazing. the bass and everything sounds super clean when you set it up vocals have no problem above bass but it does clip in the 50s for me but if you dont have any bass this deck can scream really loud trust me. cant beat this deck for the price

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