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Hifonics HFi2000D

Item #23917
2000W Class D MonoBlock HF Series Car Subwoofer Amplifier (HFi 2000)

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Product Reviews For Hifonics HFi2000D

  • its the greatest amp ever had


  • Great amp especially for the price. just as good as fosgate and other big names in my opinion. I have this in my truck pushin 2 Alpine type r 15s. shakes my moms pictures off the walls. gettin ready for 2 more 15s and another one of these amps. deffinately a great purchase. i also spoke to maxxsonics and they honor their warranties through this site so that is a plus.


  • i love Hifonics amps(and i listen to metal and some rap) i have 3 of theese hooked up to 6 lanzar hrwd 10"s in my 2003 subaru legacy wagon and the hit hit as hell,i actully won 1 place in a sound of at hooters last time i went,hit a 178 db,thts load manyou can not sit in my car when i crank it up i love theese amps starting out with one back in 1997 and i new then ive had my fair share and this is my brand,by this amp oh and my neibor hate me literly ive gotten into fights over my stereo

    juggalo dave

  • Great amps. Been using hifonics amps for years.

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