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Lanzar OPTI6000D

Item #24047
Optidrive Series 6000 Watt Mono Block Digital Competition Class Car Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Lanzar OPTI6000D

  • i've delt with several brands of monoblock amplifiers ranging from 2000 to 7000 watts. if it's either daily ground pounding or SPL competition the lanzar optidrive series amps have been a brand that i've come to trust and depend on when i really want to get down and pound. the sound quality and bass production has been unmatched by any other amp i've used claiming the same and for one company, even more than rated watts. i highly recommend the lanzar optidrive series amps to anyone, whether you're getting started in car audio or a veteran. the amps don't overheat and are not power hogs like most others..try it out and see


  • This amp pushes my 4 15's PAST their limits yet keeping a clean sound and staying cool at 1 ohm. I'm a fan of the entire opti line I have had 3 of their amps and have been satisfied with their customer service and professionalism.

    Adam H.
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