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Lanzar OPTI8MI

Item #24053
Opti Pro 800 Watts 8'' High Power Midbass Speakers

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Product Reviews For Lanzar OPTI8MI

  • well first off its just one speaker not a pair second mine are 4ohm not 3ohm..ok was kind miffed didnt recieve 2 for 50$.. ocs appolagized and waved shipping on second.that out of the way.what i wanted was to replace old jbl 6x9 in my 71 superbeetlehas 2 opti1232d on a opti2000d amp.opti SL150amp running 6x9s to be removed.Also got a optix10 crossover.used the mid band pass on 8inch optis with 150 watts rms each.Crossed over at 100hz to 5000hz.way more mid range than i expected.took alot of adjusting but sounds insane.turned amp way back.also added some pyle pro pdbt18 tweeters on a opti SL100 amp crossed at 5khz up.must say the upgrade cost less than the 6x9s 15yrs ago.and sounds way better.by the way if i turn the amps up sound like a concert outside the bug so much mid and high capability =]

    mikey okc
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