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Pyle PLSQ10D

Item #24431
10'' 1200W Square DVC Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Pyle PLSQ10D

  • Bought one to replace my Kicker L5 and for the price it's pretty dang good. It hits almost as good as the Kicker which people always thought I had two 12's. Of course it obviously won't last as long as the higher end subs but for $53 it's alot better than the $300 the L5 was when I got it years ago. The only real problem they have is the center cone will come lose and rattle which mine and my buddies did. But it's as easy as wiping super glue or RTV black sealant around the out side and it's as good as new. So overall it's a really good bang for the buck.


  • Had mixed reviews till I hooked it up, amazing sound for something so small, if I had the space would get three more. Can't beat the price and quality, only problem the dust cover does fall off but its a simple fix with some silicone.

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