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Power Acoustik MOFO-152X

Item #24907
MOFO Type X Series 15" 3000W Peak Power Handling 2 Ohm, Dual Voice Coil Component Car Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Power Acoustik MOFO-152X

  • I've had these subs for almost three years now. Very loud and durable subs. Had four but took two out to give to my wife (I stopped competing). Could be a little cleaner sounding, but still very impressed for a ported 15. For the money I don't think they can be beat, but be ready to give them alot of power and upgrade your electrical system to meet the demands of the amp, including alternators and good deep cycle batteries. I have heard these on a weak and power-exaggerated amp with no electrical upgrades and they were not doing well at all. Very good subs if you give them what they need without cutting corners.


  • Hits decently hard, had mine in a 6 cube box and it was hella loud, cracked my dash and snapped my rearview off. but it dosnt handle 3000 watts... maybe on burps, but i had mine running at 4ohms on 1500 rms (give or take) and it blew after a year.

    nater tot
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