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Power Acoustik NB-2

Item #24923
NB Series 1" 200W Peak Power Handling 4 Ohm, 3-Way Mount Car Tweeters with Built-in Crossover

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Product Reviews For Power Acoustik NB-2

  • These thing's blast crisp high's . Mounted them on door pillar near my ear's . Wow . Alpine Cda-105 head unit is a big + . In-line filter's on my mid's , Over-powered 15 in the trunk . Everythig is coming together . These are worth the pennies they are asking . Pick these up as a throw in to get that free shipping . Mono amp is next 4 me !


  • I install 2 pairs of these tweeters with every install. They are very efficient and do not take any power to get loud. I normally run these off the head unit by themselves and run all other speakers with good highs amp. Can't beat it for the money and they can also handle a lot of power with being to hissy and distorted. They are also great addition to any door speaker without a need for a additional amplifier.

    Elite Vision And Sound

  • Let me say, for the price. I was surprised at how clear and crisp these tweeters sound. Years ago i paid $50 dollars for a pair of FULTRON tweeters. These sound just as good.


  • I was worried about this product because of the price.but now that I bought them, I'm glad I did. Good quality tweeters. I'm running 4 pair in my car. 1 pair on the head unit and the other 3 pair on a mids and high amp. If I had a do over, I would buy them again.

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