ive competed for many years now and for the price of this sub,... hands down im running 4 of these on two memphis 1000d's. with an extra battery in the back of my van, im hittin a 147.6 on the new term lab meter
you know for the money i got this sub it is great an all.....but the picture isent the same as displayed in the picture i got the 2010 series not exactlly this one...... I wanted this one but got the one be4 this but anyways the sub i got is reeeally goood n sounds great so far i just got it n i like it .....alot of people judge BOSS SUBS but you know what they are pretty decent and well built if u tune them right with your amp n got a decnt 1200watt amp n amp ITS AMAZING N POUNDS AND IS REALABLE N DURABLE..... love it soo far and injoying what i bought even tho its wasent the exact one as this thanks OCS :) but next timei want the EXACT ONE SHOWN IN PICTURE thanks :)
Good sub for the money