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MB Quart ONX4.80/500

Item #25335
500W 5-Channel Class A/B Onyx Series Car Amplifier (ONX80.4+500)

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Product Reviews For MB Quart ONX4.80/500

  • I absolutely LOVE this amp. After 23 years in the car audio world and owning serveral amps I have to say that if you want to build a system using 1 amp that is extermely well balanced this amp is a MUST have. It made installing simple and 1/0 power wire fits directly into the amps power and ground inputs. While it isn't going to give you ridiculous bass that's going to rattle the car behind yours license plate it's balanced perfectly. I have this paired with an Alpine IVA-D106 with the Imprint processor, an AudioControl 6XS and EPIC 160, MB Quart RLP304 Shallow Mount 12 inch subs, Alpine Type R 6 1/2's for rear fill and Alpine Type R 5 1/4's for front stage. I added an MB Quart Formula 2X60 with 2 sets of MB Quart PVI164's for front midbass in a custom fiberglass box installed in the bottom of my front doors since I wasn't happy with the lack of midbass by not using both front outputs on the 6XS. Sounds INCREDIBLE in my 92 Dodge Dakota RT. Everyone who hears it is completely blown away with the SQ and while it's not pounding out 150 db, it's actually reading 128 on the Epic 160, that is more than loud enough for me (your ears will ring for a couple hours after 20 minutes at max volume before clipping lol). For the price this amp sells for, it is a STEAL. If you are a basshead (Like I was back in the day), you can use a splitter to send one channel to the mono block portion of this amp and get a second 1X500 1ohm amp for the other channel and you'll have a 1000 watt stereo bass set up. So far all of the equipment I bought here at Online Car Stereo has been fantastic, and customer support has been great. I highly recommend everything in my review and this company.


  • I put this in my 04 G35 Sedan in place of an Infinity Reference 5 channel amp. The amp is definitely stronger pushing more watts and providing greater clarity in the mids and depth and punch to the bass. It is highly adjustable. I have a problem with it because one of the channels is going in and out. I don't know if it is a bad amp which is really rare of some issue elsewhere in the system but I had it checked and am thinking it is the amp. It is big and if I replace it I would get an Alpine pdxv9 or 5 which is digital and far smaller.

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