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Power Acoustik PTID-8310NRB

Item #25664
Single-DIN Bluetooth 2.0 Enabled In-Dash DVD Multimedia Receiver with 8.3" Motorized Flip-Up Digital TFT LCD Touchscreen Display

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Product Reviews For Power Acoustik PTID-8310NRB

  • I got it today and put it in. Blue tooth is easy to use. Even plays music off of my phone. I can call out with the remote control. it sounds a lot better than the old dvd player i had in there. it is really bluky. it was really hard to fit in my audi tt. I definitely would recommend to someone else!

    Michael Scott

  • This unit is awesome! I like the touch screen features. So many people thinks it is also awesome how it rotates out when coming out of the unit. The screen is also nice and big.

    Bradley Bliton
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