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Ground Shaker GS1-12

Item #25703
12" 1000W GS1 Series Competition Car Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Ground Shaker GS1-12

  • Got two of these hooked up to 1000 watt alpine and let me tell you they are no joke hit 147.3 db in a piece of crap box

    tim covert

  • I got 2 of these gs1 in a Honda and they hit harder than 2 my JL w6 the funny thing their half the price!

    Jay dee

  • i love the woofers i have three in my honda for competitions doing a 150.2db legal in db drag shows great woofer takes a beating for sure!!

    so cal spl luis

  • I was very skeptical when I first bought this subwoofer. Normally I buy brands that I recognize but I happen to be at the Ground Shaker store and they let me sample a a few cars and trucks that had them installed against other brands. I could not believe the sound pressure and how clean the bass was. They compare right along side with the JL Audio W6 subs but actually a little more poweful. I have listened to this sub both in a sealed box and a ported box. I can guarantee you that in a ported box the bass is overwhelmingly powerful. With just one subwoofer in a ported enclosure, I waited 1 month to fully break the subwoofer in properly; I then cranked the music to max. I'm pushing the subwoofer with a Procision Power 2000 watt amp with 1000watts RMS. I was afraid I was about to shatter my windows! zero distortion so I am very impressed with these subs. I have an Orion XTR PRO sub also, and hands down these subs are more powerful!

    david le

  • Have two of these wired down to 1ohm in a sealed ground shaker box that's a bit bigger than recommended size with a 1900w Hifonics Brutus mono. . have to say they sound great and I'm very impressed . . they compared to my Alpine Type R 12s which was ran with the same amp and sound way better than my L7s that was also ran with the same amp . . very impressed

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