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Sony XNV-770BT

Item #27203
Bluetooth Enabled In-Dash Navigation Multimedia Command Station with 7" Motorized Touch-Screen, TomTom Navigation Software, and Direct 1-Wire USB Connection for iPod/Mp3

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Product Reviews For Sony XNV-770BT

  • I purchased this product and had it for about 1 month now. It sounds great and the gps is outstanding. Helps me find shortcuts to get to places quicker that I didnt know existed. Tom Tom is on another level. The sound machine driven from the system alone is outstanding. Some people envy the sound of my Highs and the Lows I get from this system. I love the many ways you can control and personalize the sound the way you want. The visuals are clear and colorful. Like watching a hd very colorful TV. Some people complained on other sites about the Gps not working over time, but the secret to prevent that is to NOT disconnect or connect the Tom Tom gps module with the ignition or acc turned on. Make sure nothing is on when doing so, and the module will not "fry", causing a possible permanent loss of gps signal. Make sure your installer is aware of this too. Make sure you program the module before taking to installer also. Overall, I am in love with this system and look forward to driving everyday. I take an hour drive to and from work everyday, and I enjoy every minute, and find myself driving exactly the speed limit, just to enjoy bonding with my system even longer. Sometimes it seems I still get home too quick. I take my breaks in my vehicle everyday now at work. Just make sure you read the manual and fine print before operating to get the most out of it. I cant wait to get outside now to play with it!!!!!

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