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Kenwood Excelon X1200M \RB

Item #27397
1200W RMS Mono Block Digital Power Car Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Kenwood Excelon X1200M \RB

  • WOW!! Picked up this amp with shipping for just over 2 bills.. I know these amps were having some issues, but were recalled and repaired..and let me tell ya, This thing is a monster for that price. I can't even get it warm and I feel like my ears are gonna bleed!! Online car stereo rocks.w I need to order new subs to keep up with this beast!!


  • Honestly the most power for your money. Even though I wish it had more controls on the higher frequency level, this amp will do you no wrong. I bought one and now everyone I know has one.

    Jonathan Colin

  • This amplifier is absolutely amazing! I suggest either upgrading your alternator or getting a second battery for the amperage this amp is going draw!


  • This is the best amp you can buy for the money. It never over heats, Sounds amazing and never lets ne down. I have had this going on 2 years. Powerd 2 15's' 3 12's and now down to 1 10" type x. This amp has been ideal for any application i can throw at it. the only drawback is that its not 1ohm stable.

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