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Rockford Fosgate P3D4-10

Item #28488
Punch P3 Series 10" 1000W Peak Power Handling 4 Ohms Dual Voice Coil Component Car Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Rockford Fosgate P3D4-10

  • Bought these to replace a pair of cvr kickers first got the p2s and was very unhappy my boxes did not match sounded like crap I have the Qlogic boxes for dodge ram quad cab so they are sealed I then upgraded to the p3s and had to remove the magnet cover so they would fit but according to specs of my box and sub this shouldn't of worked and again the 10" box specs are the same for p1 2 and p3...these things pounded!!! When I first installed they sounded like crap for the first day but after a little suspension break-in my windshield started to flex lol people think I have 12s they shake other people's cars lol u want quality bass buy these and you will be happy with these by the way I fried the tensile wire off my old subs and these are only 200 more rms for both..people get these and have crapy amps and complain about the sub..lol its not the sub its your sorry cheap amp!!! I also live in the desert and have had no problems with the adhesive


  • These babies get low. The sound quality is on point, I'm hittin harder than most 12's out there and the bass is clean and clear. Definitely worth the money


  • These babies get low. The sound quality is on point, I'm hittin harder than most 12's out there and the bass is clean and clear. Definitely worth the money. I got'em to replace 2 power acoustics that my Zeus 1200 amp fried within the first few days. I've been bumping these for about a year now, so far so great!

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