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Alpine SPS-619

Item #28702
6" x 9" 260W 3-Way Full-Range Type-S Speakers

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Product Reviews For Alpine SPS-619

  • Sooo. . . . OCS sent me these instead of sps609's which I ordered. Wouldn't really be a problem although there are no reviews to go by. And one other small detail- THEY DON'T COME WITH SPEAKER GRILLS. They wanna charge you $40 for a set or whatever the sale price is. The 609's appear to come with them. At no extra charge. Whatever. I hate this site.


  • These speakers are a good upgrade from factory garbage. I also ordered the 609's and received these but am pretty happy with them. They kick out some awesome mids and highs however they are lacking on the bass side of things. Could be because my head unit is only putting 50 watts to each though. Overall the speakers are a great bargain and have crisp clear sound. Mounted right into my 2003 Grand Am GT with no modifications neccessary which was a huge pluse.


  • Pleasantly surprised by these speakers. Replaced some MTX and Soundstream 6x9's with these last night and these sound significantly better. Very clear at all volumes and they handle the lows much better than the other 3 sets that have been in the car (stock, MTX Thunderdome, and Soundstream SST). I would highly recommend. As a side note: they are the same as the 609s, they just don't come with a grill.


  • Don't know why people rate down a product because they miss ordered. They DO NOT come with grilles, maybe thats why they're cheaper. These speakers sound good, nice silky smooth highs. Doesn't kick out much bass. I plan on sealing up my doors so they don't leak air and getting a better head unit. Then I believe they will push more low tones.

    Dan Mral

  • Very smooth sound from the soft dome tweeter highly recommended


  • Got these bad boys connected to an amp and they sound good, not much bass but that's what my subs are for. For the price you can't beat it.

    Regino Arroyo

  • Speakers were huge improvement. Alpine is awesome as always!


  • These were purchased to replace the 6x9's in my rear doors. So far, they have proved to be exactly what I was looking for. I was able to move the adjustable tweeters and point them toward the front of the cabin to create a more spacious sound. Alpine always has been a great choice for speakers. Thanks OCS for helping me improve my sound in my ride!

    Ben Garrett

  • These are very good speakers for the price, I have Alpine speakers in all five of my cars. Good quality and sound. I like that they fit in stock location without having to do any mods., thats important for me. Got the two ways at same time for front and overall sound is so much greater. Happy.

    DeKovin Harris

  • Great speakers for a mid grade alpine product. Works great for my wife's car and it's affordable.

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