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Alpine SPS-610C

Item #28703
6-1/2" 240W Type-S 2-Way Component Speaker System

Write a Review For Alpine SPS-610C

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Product Reviews For Alpine SPS-610C

  • Play these plenty hard and they sound great body can touch the price either.For less than a hundred bucks they are the best.


  • Speaker has a nice clean sound. Definitely an upgraded sound from my old speakers.


  • Good sound and great price for a component speaker.


  • For the price, can't beat them


  • Best speakers for the money. Glad I purchased them had them a year now and they still crank.

    mike butvilas

  • To be honest with you I still have not installed them yet. However the next time I need anything I will go to you guys because of your prices.

    Feliciano Sanchez

  • For the price as well as the Alpine reputation,theres not a better deal I've found anywhere. I put plenty of amp power to them and they sound great.

    brian hutchins

  • decent sound for a decent price way better than factory and not power hungry for huge wattage I've had better but I've heard way worse def a budget friendly upgrade nothing more nothing less

    J W

  • I loved the Alpine speaker system. I have sold the car and actually left the music in the vehicle for the next lucky owner!

    Ted Black
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