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Item #28840
2 Sets of 5-1/4" 2-Way Type-R Series Component Car Speaker System - BOGO 1/2 Off Promo

Write a Review For Alpine SPR-50C-ALPINEBOGO

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Product Reviews For Alpine SPR-50C-ALPINEBOGO

  • So far these are the best value for front stage I have found. Paired with 2 channels from my MB Quart 4.80X500 the sound quality is just plain amazing. I'm hitting them with 80 watts RMS per side crossed at 250hz and they are loving it! At first the highs were really harsh but by moving it to -6db in the crossover supplied with these speakers it took all the harshness out and gave beautiful sound to the tweeters. The mids are extemely mellow and smooth just as they should be without a hint of a brassy sound. Anyone looking to see what true quality sound is actually like, this is a fairly inexpensive way to experience it.


  • These speakers replaced my MB Quart Reference speakers. So far, so good. Good sound and nice looking. I'm powering them with a Alpine PDX 4x150 amp. Still need to turn the amp up and possibly set the crossover back to 0. Love the way the tweeters flush mount. Nice design by Alpine. Now for the downsize which has nothing to do with performance. I wish they would have come with full grills that could have been painted to match my interior, should have more mounting options such as spacer rings, etc. I tried to remove the tweeter from flush mount case, but it was glued together so much I was afraid of breaking it. Would like to see a regular insruction/owners manual instead of just putting installation instructions on back of box. (I like to keep all my manuals, not the boxes). Overall very happy. Afterall when it's all said and done, it's the performance that counts, and for the $$, you can't beat these

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