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Bass Inferno BI65C

Item #30457
6-1/2" 300W Car Component Speakers

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Product Reviews For Bass Inferno BI65C

  • i ordered a different set of speakers, but they were out of stock, so these got shipped to me... to be honest, i wasn't expecting much, but they actually sound pretty good! the mids are what i was looking for and the highs are crystal clear! i have 2 pairs of these in a 2005 colorado 4 door, i have the front crossovers set at -3 db on the tweeters so they don't kill me and the rear crossovers set to full and they sound really good! for $40 speakers... can't really go wrong! i also have a pair of these in the front doors of my sons civic and a pair of bass inferno 6x9's in the rear package tray and his car sounds awesome!


  • I've had these speakers for about a year. I put them in my 2006 Sentra SERSpecV. I'm not running any amps right now, just the stock power from the JVC head unit. These speakers sound great! I didn't want anything teeth rattling, just good, solid sound. The frequency response is great, especially after I got the custom EQ on the JVC dialed in the way I wanted. Nice, supportive bass, solid mids, and sparkling highs. And the price was awesome. I couldn't be happier.

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