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JL Audio 12W0v3-4

Item #30466
W0v3 Series 12" 600W Peak Power Handling 4 Ohm, Single Voice Coil Component Car Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For JL Audio 12W0v3-4

  • I replaced two 10's for the JL 12 and I can't believe the crisp sound. The price was to good to be true but it was and I'm satisfied.

    Scott Holt

  • The clear sound this sub gives for its price is honestly so mind boggling. I’m happy with my purchase.

    Francis Diaz

  • JL never disapoints!! Placed two 12s in a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited hooked to an Infinity Reference 6001A amp. Great deep sounding punchy bass. I highly recommend.


  • After arriving, i immediately hooked it up with amp on my car and wow it sounds amazing! If your looking for a great sub you should check out JL Audio's W0v3 series. affordable but still delivers the great sound quality JL Audio is known for

    Vic Jones

  • A much cheaper option from JL Audio, the W0v3 subs still deliver that JL Audio sound at a lower cost. Still powerful, and the bass doesnt differ that much to much pricey JL Audio subs. Love to add another 12W0v3 sub to in my setup.


  • A much affordable option if youre looking for a JL Audio sub for your car. Paired it with a JD500 for a month now and really sounding better than what I had in mind before. Exceeds expectations.


  • Good deal! I was able to get a discount for Black Friday on one speaker only. then bought another somewhere else :)

    Allan Wong
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