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Rockford Fosgate R750-1D

Item #31138
Prime Series 750 Watts, Class D, Mono Car Ampflier With Built-In Crossover

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Product Reviews For Rockford Fosgate R750-1D

  • I bought and installed this amp, For the price it was the best I could get. Considering that I could have paid 200 dollars more at the local shop. I have it running to 2 x 12" Rockford Fosgate P2's both pushing 400 watts max the amp pushes 707 watts max. it hits clean and hard. its not as good as some other set ups but considering that I can run them at one ohm if I want to later I decided it was a good purchase overall. i could push 1050 watts if I ran it at one ohm. i have had no problems with what I have, I enjoy the sound and so do the ladies


  • An awesome amp. Plenty of bang for your buck. I've had this amp since March of 2014 and it hasn't let me down yet. I just came off an 8 hour road trip and it didn't cut off once. Fosgate delivers with this one.

    TaDarius Hooper
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