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Soundstream VR-931NB

Item #31141
Bluetooth Enabled 1-DIN In-Dash DVD Receiver with 9.3" Touchscreen and USB/SD Inputs

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Product Reviews For Soundstream VR-931NB

  • Sound quality is not the greatest but if ulike features and impressive screen size this is the way to go. Over all good buy.


  • I been having problems with it, keeps blowing fuse but when it was working it was I the best head unit I have ever bought.


  • It was is great investment. I was really impressed and that's not easy to do.


  • I custom installed this radio in 74 caprice. Looks great! Great sound quality and video pixels. The screen is large so ensure you have enough space to work behind the screen it's blocking any buttons or knobs behind it. Issues: Only issue is that all the parts to ensure you have the great features (which I gave a ratings of a 7) to operate this radio is sold separately. Ex: backup camera, radio antenna, navigation, USB, and so on. So it's more that 199 of want to be able to enjoy the radio.


  • Not bad for the price but overall layout could be better


  • Good for the price. Bulky.


  • Got the unit and was very pleased with the quality. Sounds good when hooked to amps, only problem I see is the bluetooth is slow to connect at times. Very good product, I would recommend it if you have the room!

    Adam Newcomb
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