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Pyle PLMCA98

Item #31520
600W Motorcycle/ATV/Snowmobile Mount 4 Channel Amplifier with Handlebar Mount Aluminum Die-cast Weatherproof Speakers, MP3/Ipod Input, USB/SD Card Insertion, USB charger and FM Radio

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Product Reviews For Pyle PLMCA98

  • Excellent power sound and fits perfect. I have only complaint about the USB because it does not have folder options.


  • Great product good sound quality loud can hear it at 65 miles an hour on my bike. also really like the fact that I can charge my ipod or phone and still play it at the same time. I would recommend this for anyone looking for a nice option for music on there bike !!!

    Steve wallen

  • Great price, great looking product, very versatile, sound was very good, very loud at full volume, the one draw back was the instruction manual for installation was extremely vague especially on wiring the product better detail on wiring would be appreciated, good thing I have some experience installing car audio.

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