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Item #31557
8'' 800 Watt Max Power, Dual Voice Coil, 4 Ohm Car Subwoofer

Write a Review For Pyle PLPW8D

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Product Reviews For Pyle PLPW8D

  • I have 1 of these mounted on my hood of my geo prism and I got 6 CT sounds 900.1 pushing this 1 sub and let me tell you its like a concert ! Girls love to sit on the corners of the car bcus of the vibrations from my sub bottoming out ! Definitely gonna buy 1 more !

    isaac bragg

  • All I can say is wow! I got 4 of these things on a 5000 watt boss amp and they are begging for more power. I'm definitely considering soldering 2/0 gauge lead wires on so I can get as much power from the amp to them as possible. I have had to have all of my windows replaced 4 times because the haters are so jelly that my setup makes more dbs than theres they throw bricks through my pyle vinyled logo windows. An expert in caraudiology and 10 time spl world champion told me this setup is doing at least 170 db legal and told me never to open my doors while the system is playing because of the shock waves that could potentially knock over a 3 legged dog. If you really want to beat off hard, these subs are the only way to go.

    P. Syrup III

  • Believe the reviews. I bought one of these USED for $17, put it in an Atrend 8SQV box (.90 cu ft vs recommended .88 cu. ft - close enough) and fed it 320W RMS, and it rocks my trunk! I wanted a small vented enclosure with big sound, and I definitely got my money's worth. I can only imagine how several of these in the same trunk would sound, for now I only need one. You CANNOT BEAT the bass per buck ratio on this sub.

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