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Alpine SWS-12D2

Item #33170
12" 1500W Dual 2-Ohm Type-S Series Car Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Alpine SWS-12D2

  • It's a sub so not to many features, but this thing does hit very hard, I bought 2 and have a custom box built for my car/the subs and these sound amazing. I went with Alpine type S speakers throught the enitre car and it's a huge upgrade. I have people tell me they can feel there hair moving in the car. I matched this with the Alpine MRX-M110 and I couldn't be happier! I belive I am underpowering the subs(I didn't set the gains the installer did) and even then they have PLENTY of power. I recommend these for sure!


  • These woofers are redic...they knock with such force.. If u have the right amp for them..suggest at the least a 1200 watt amp.nothing but luv for these ....great price too..Sq is so much better then my cvrs...but I'm Def gonna Copp the cvxs.for my last and final upgrade.lol

    Chris stigs.castiglia

  • Handles some decent power and sounds clean. One of the biggest things is that it does not require a lot of space. I put this in a small, ported box underneath my back seat (02 Silverado ext. ). It does everything I expect from it, deep, deep bass that hits hard but also has plenty of boommm. I have it paired with a JBL GTO-751EZ. It's set at a little more than quater gain on low and zero bass boost (of course).


  • I've had 2 in a custom sealed box paired with a soundstream 2000.1 mono block. These subs were doing great until I overpowered them. So power them accordingly and you won't be disappointed. Great product.

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