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Massive Audio HIPPOXL 152

Item #33322
Hippo Series 15" 4000W Peak Power Handling 2 Ohm, Dual Voice Coil Component Car Subwoofer (Sold Individually)

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Product Reviews For Massive Audio HIPPOXL 152

  • Massive has really out-done themselves with this one because the build is CRAZY! Overall build quality is pristine and it looks amazing. Performance-wise, it is well within its own realm to be comparable to Orions, Sundowns, DDs, DCs etc., but SQ, in my opinion, is a notch higher than most! Bass is deep and surprisingly sharp, especially in a ported box at very low frequencies. I recommend this sub ONLY to severely addicted bass heads who enjoy ear-ringing, hair crazy, deafening bass, 'cause you're fetting nothing less!! Worth EVERY PENNY!! :)


  • The important thing to remember with sub woofers is that you need an adequate enclosure as well as adequate power. I put this sub in a 4.2 cuft box ported at 32hz with a 2400w rms amp with the sub wired down to 1ohm. To say it slams is an understatement. The sub is also very "musical". Usually with very powerful large subwoofers you lose some of the bass response in some types of music such as rock or electro. This is not the case with the Hippo. Obviously it's not as responsive as an 8 but its the best sounding and loudest 15 I've ever worked with. Take this sub, put it in a good box with a good amp and I guarantee you won't be disappointed. It sounds like you've got 4 12's in the trunk. Insane bass is an understatement. Mirrors on the car are useless at full volume.


  • Well one year with this thing and its a beast . Nothing short of awesome and there's nothing I play on it that sounds less than crazy. People get mad when i pull up to them in a light and the best thing is that i have it half way lol. I got it hooked up to a power acoustik 5500 at one ohm and it plays all day. A must for anyone and the amp to cause the planet audio 5000 watt amp i had before burned in one week.

    Eduardo Gonzalez

  • Got it hooked up to 5000 watt cerwin vega amp wired to it's own 5000 watt battery and it SLAMS!! I ha not hooked it to 1 ohm yet I gotta change alternator first but I'm pretty sure i am in for another shock this 1 15 hits harder than the 4 12s I just had in my back seat now my back seat is open and box is in the back port facing roof and it bends the roof and doors AT HALF WAY!!!


  • As an audio guy, really love to have these powerful setups, and this sub really suits my preference. I am also running it with a 2000-watt mono amp powered by a secondary battery, as I have to make sure that there will be no issues power-wise. Really a powerful sub is it can truly deliver massive audio.


  • This subwoofer is one of my top picks! It's rock-solid, delivers killer sound quality, and built to handle the heat. Running it on a 3200-watt mono amp right now, and it's just killing it.


  • Man, this thing sounds real good. I copped it a few months back. Currently using a 2000-watt amp for it and it truly delivers massive sound. gotta be careful with all that power and make sure you get an extra battery for this type of setup.


  • I searched everywhere online to find the best price/RMS for a set of 15" subs for my next enclosure build. And i should mention that not all brands have the real world RMS ratings so do your research and with that said they had the best overall option for my needs. As far as the two massive hippoxl 15" go they are out of this world! I would recommend them any day!

    Matt Lamb
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