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Pioneer DEH-80PRS

Item #34530
Bluetooth Enabled Single-DIN In-Dash CD/MP3 Receiver with 3-Way Active Crossover Network and USB/AUX/SD Card Inputs

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Product Reviews For Pioneer DEH-80PRS

  • Best head unit on the market. Time Correction More EQ than you know what to do with Auto Tune if you are feeling lazy 5 volts! Twin USBs on the back. Burr Brown DAC What else do you need to know? Cant figure out why no one reviewed this unit, so i did it for you. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!

    matt miller

  • Great stereo. Would definetely recommend it!

    Daniel Parker

  • After much debate and comparison, I once again chose Pioneer for my car stereo needs, and was once again greeted with a great product. Sound quality is great, it searches my iPod like a champ and blue tooth performance (both calls and music) is stellar. The only room for improvement would be to include a sound 'filter' that would help block out road noise from the mic. My car is fairly flimsy so it has a good deal of road noise that makes it into the mic and spoils the sound for the people on the other end, which prevents me from having business conversations in the car. Other than that, it is stellar.


  • Best deck at this price range.

    Bart Richards Jr
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