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Rockford Fosgate R600X5

Item #35676
Prime 600 Watts, 5-Channel, Class A/B, 5 Channel Car Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Rockford Fosgate R600X5

  • I have this amp in Scion FRS. It's powering four 4 inch Pioneer two way speakers, and one JBL 6.5 inch component, and one jl audio w3v3. I am so impressed! The highs are so crisp and the low/mid is amazingly detailed. I was sceptical cause I couldn't find many reviews. I saw one that said the amp was way underpowered and he had to return it. For the size of my car it puts out the perfect amount of power. When I received my birth sheet I was floored. 735 watts! I have the sub at 2ohms. It rattles the trunk, and the bass is so crisp and loud! I can put up to about 40 out of 52 on the volume before I feel like my ears might bleed. No distortion at all. Hooked up with rockford 8 gauge amp kit. Highly recommend!


  • Amp worked great for a complete system. Used for 1/2 in all doors and a 10 sub under the seat.

    Kenneth Howell

  • I use this 5 channel in my GMC Sierra 2500 extended cab PU. I have it pushing a 12" Cerwin Vega in a sealed enclosure, 2 Infinity 4x6's in the rear doors, and 2 6 1/2" separates in the doors. It is plenty of power to push to doors, but I wonder if it has enough to fully push the Cerwin Vega 12. I like the separate remote w/ punch level control as this comes I handy at times and provides a nice blue light at night. Overall I am happy with the purchase and like the convenience of one amp to push all of my speakers as it fits snugly behind the rear seat out of the way.

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