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Alpine IVE-W535HD

Item #35864
Bluetooth Enabled 2-DIN In-Dash Multimedia DVD Receiver with 6.1" WVGA Touchscreen Monitor  

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Product Reviews For Alpine IVE-W535HD

  • Great unit. Takes a wee bit of getting used to the touch screen / menu layout. Has a lot of flexibility as to sound and visual settings. Phone features for Android is "OK" and gets you all the basics. The sound section is pretty slick! Lots of access to bend / tweak the sound within the cabin. 9 section EQ and up to 5 sub frequencies under each of the 9. Also has 3 settings on each sub frequency to widen or narrow. Also adustment for the slope for sub /front rears. Very crisp reproduction Running my Soundstream for the fronts n rears, USA comp amp, Kicker solobarics in a Dodge RAM (YES there is a dash kit just released) this unit out performs the old Eclipse. Havent tried the DVD section. Grabs the phone and Bluetooth gets access to all the tunes on it as well. No issues and it looks slick


  • Alpine products are the best, if you take the time to figure out all the options. Excellent sound quality. Very easy to use once you get the hang of it.

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