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Infinity KAPPA 60.11cs

Item #36622
6-1/2" 2-Way Kappa Series Component Car Speakers System 270W Peak Power

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Product Reviews For Infinity KAPPA 60.11cs

  • Bought these components to replace "premium" sound in 2011 Ford Escape. Factory speakers were paper, but with actual coaxial tweeter. Simply cut a 1/4 inch MDF plate and mounted the mid-woofer in the door. Tweeters surface mounted at top of doors by mirror adjust-knob. Used Sony 50w RMS x 4 channel amp to drive them. (have infinity Kappa 5x7s in rear doors). Sound quality using separate components is improved, and bringing the tweeters closer to your ears improves overall front staging and fullness. Tweeters not too bright, have them at +3db included on the crossover modules. Mid-woofer plays good bass, but have them crossed over at 100hz, as the 12" sub handles the real bass. Clean Infinity sound. Would recommend.


  • Installed these along with the coaxials in my GMC Sierra crew cab! Significantly improved the sound. But you do need to add power to them, so amp is strongly suggested. Saved over 200 bucks using onlinecarstero

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